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Command Alkon to Showcase Innovative Cloud Solutions for Heavy Building Materials Suppliers at bauma 2025

Materials Suppliers and Producers Sure to Gain a New Outlook on How Cloud Solutions Simplify Daily Tasks, Improve Decision Making, and Ensure More Secure, Scalable, and Efficient Operations.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala., March 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Command Alkon, the leading software and solutions provider for the heavy building materials industry, is excited to announce its participation in the bauma 2025, taking place from April 7-13, 2025, at the exhibition center in Munich, Germany. This is the 34th edition of the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building Material Machines, Mining Machines, Construction Vehicles and Construction Equipment which brings together professionals to explore the latest in construction industry advancements and innovations.

Command Alkon will showcase Command Cloud and its comprehensive portfolio of solutions for producers and suppliers of ready-mix concrete, concrete products, aggregates and asphalt in Hall C1, Booth 137. Command Cloud builds on the strong foundation of Command Alkon’s in-market, core products that are in place in over 24,000 plants, quarries, and sites in 80 plus countries around the globe.

“Harnessing the power of the cloud, our solutions are built to help our customers streamline their business operations through more efficient allocation of production resources, reduced downtime, and better handling during peak demand and load times,” said Ranjeev Teelock, Chief Product Officer. “This cloud-native strategy allows our customers to leverage the most advanced technologies in the market today, like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and IoT, driving innovation and unlocking new possibilities for this great industry.”

Command Cloud empowers businesses with secure, centralized data management, and data informed decision making across all business processes. By leveraging cloud-native capabilities and no SQL technology, Command Cloud provides unmatched scalability, resilience, and a consistent user experience – all while reducing operational overhead and maximizing efficiency. The platform incorporates modern UI design making it easy to use and learn, machine learning and generative AI tools to provide tailored predictive analytics, and next-generation configurable dashboards to visualize business performance metrics and drive profitability.

Command Cloud Dispatch, Sales & Quoting, Billing & Invoicing, & Customer Portal: These critical operational solutions in Command Cloud share centralized master data, streamlined workflows, and a standardized user experience that enhances communications and collaboration across teams and removes errors and inefficiencies. Configurable and shareable dashboards ensure stakeholders have easy access to real-time, consistent information and can track against key performance indicators with ease. The unified data and processes ensure accuracy in pricing, billing and speed up processes for quoting, order entry, and invoicing. Customers are delivered real-time delivery ETAs and empowered with digital proof of delivery and order requests via an easy-to-use Customer Portal mobile app that is available anytime and on any device type.

Command Cloud Batch AI, Plant Analytics & Remote Batching: Batch AI leverages advanced machine learning models to dynamically optimize the ready mix production process in real-time, ensuring consistent quality, reduced waste, and lower CO2 emissions. Centralized Plant Analytics capabilities deliver unprecedented visibility into production performance and allow monitoring of trends across a network of plants. Combined with next-generation Remote Batching capabilities, these Command Cloud innovations deliver a modern, digital platform that enables real-time analysis, precise control, and optimal performance for a network of concrete plants.

Command Cloud Material Supply: Materials Producers can achieve new levels of efficiency and accuracy in managing their raw materials inventory with Material Supply. This Command Cloud solution digitizes raw material receipts, automates inventory updates to production, delivers centralized views of inventory levels and demand across multiple plants, and supports automated reconciliation of material receipts to invoices to speed payment processes.

Command Cloud Scale Ticketing & Bulk Dispatch: Easy-to-use scale ticketing screens are combined with modern edge computing interfaces to inbound and outbound scales to centralize data and streamline billing and invoicing processes across multiple locations. For vertically integrated business, Sales & Quoting, Dispatch, Billing & Invoicing processes and user experiences are standardized, allowing system users to work consistently no matter what materials they are managing.

Command Cloud APIs: An open API approach gives businesses the flexibility to customize their system architecture. Using the available API library and developer hub, operations can couple the value of Command Alkon core solutions with other leading industry solutions to create a technology landscape to meet their specific business objectives.

“For the past 49 years Command Alkon has remained committed to driving innovation in the construction sector,” said Jeff Newlin, Chief Revenue Officer. “Our latest solutions help our customers move forward with centralized production and business processes that not only drive operational performance but deliver a new level of security, scalability, reliability, and accessibility that is required and expected in today’s technology landscape.”

As market specific requirements are evaluated and localized, Command Cloud solutions will be made available globally. Visit the regional Command Alkon websites at www.commandalkon.com to stay in tune with availability in each market.

View the full schedule for demonstrations and other activities occurring in Command Alkon’s Booth 137, Hall C1 by clicking here. For more information about bauma please visit the event website.


Command Alkon is the global leader in software and technology solutions for ready mix, concrete products, asphalt, aggregate and cement suppliers. With over 45 years of industry expertise, Command Alkon’s services and products empower heavy building materials suppliers to improve production and quality control, dispatch and trucking, and office efficiency and performance.

Source: Command Alkon Incorporated

Karli Langner

Command Alkon

tel.: (205) 879-3282 x 3968

e-mail: klangner@commandalkon.com 

Source: GlobeNewswire

Źródło: PAP MediaRoom


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